GBI-FM was responsible for overseeing and managing infrastructure improvements at 746 Baseline Rd (Medical Arts Building) in London. Major improvements included new HVAC roof-top units (RTUs) and parking surface improvements. Additional security measures were also implemented, such as cameras and access controls as per LHSC’s main campus.

GBI provided project management services to provide oversight, monitoring and reporting. GBI worked with all stakeholders of the project, including consultants, LHSC and contractors. With our intimate knowledge of the main Surgical Centre project, GBI was able to provide valuable input, support and project management services for delivering the critical infrastructure upgrades and new security cameras and door access that were required in preparation for the Surgical Centre and for the current tenants of the building. The parking surface improvements will begin in Spring of 2019 and GBI will be providing project management services to provide oversight, monitoring and reporting.

The heating and cooling systems and building automation systems in the building are aged and end of life. The central control system was antiquated and provided challenges to operate and balance due to an old unreliable Building Automation System (BAS). Through our analysis and reporting to LHSC FM, LHSC strategically invested in the replacement of the entire building heating / cooling system and BAS system. Work on this project is dependent on the surgi-center construction. Both the surgi-center and RTU projects are very large projects and having them run in parallel and in the same space creates its own challenges.