GBI staff person posing in front of family medical centreIn 2016, GBI was awarded a contract to manage Maintenance and Repair Operations at London Health Sciences Centre’s (LHSC) ancillary buildings. LHSC Facilities Management (FM) department adopted a tri-party approach (trades, contractors, FM Service Company) following an internal business case analysis. An RFP was created for the management of off-campus, ancillary facilities. GBI competed with several major players in the facilities management space and won the competitive RFP.

Since the beginning of the contract in 2017, GBI-FM has managed over 200,000 square feet of commercial building space for LHSC FM. This has proved to be a very effective relationship for LHSC for many reasons:

  • GBI is only paid for work that is done, so LHSC has no “bench” time.
  • The cost of managing the buildings is known and fixed
  • LHSC FM has comparative metrics against their own staff
  • LHSC FM can treat GBI-FM as a turnkey solution and simplify their own operations

Given our ability to approach problems from multiple perspectives and competencies, we were able to produce massive efficiencies in the management of the buildings including:

  • Re-negotiated maintenance contracts reducing annual costs
  • Reduction in overall vendor costs by over 30%
  • Improved management reporting and monitoring

GBI has now become an integral partner to LHSC FM and is helping them with their vision of a tri-party model to manage their large complex footprint of almost 6 million square feet of space across the City of London. We are proud to work with a client where our common values and ideas are shared so that we can apply a progressive mentality in solving large problems.